Fluency with Information Technology: Skills, Concepts, and Capabilities equips readers who are already familiar with computers, the Internet, and the World Wide Web with a deeper understanding of the broad capabilities of technology. Through a project-oriented learning approach that uses examples and realistic problem-solving scenarios, Larry Snyder teaches readers to navigate information technology independently and become effective users of today’s resources, forming a foundation of skills they can adapt to their personal and career goals as future technologies emerge.
New to this Edition
Topics are Explained in Contemporary Terms Consistent with Student Experience
The Sixth Edition of Fluency maintains the core “fluency vision,” while positioning the presentation squarely in the second decade of the 21st century.
•Much of the text has been rewritten to accommodate how students encounter computation: advances in smartphones, HTML5, CSS3, and on and on. These affect how students use and perceive the fundamentals.
•Topics like crowd sourcing, privacy, security, phishing, AI, netiquette, copyright, and so forth evolve, and so they must be explained in contemporary terms consistent with student experience.
•As “ambient knowledge” changes—for example, unlike the past today’s students have at least heard a term like algorithm—concepts need to be explained with a new, more intuitive approach that promotes understanding. Other newly familiar terms have been similarly treated.
•Part 1 has undergone a complete makeover. Chapter 1 “Defining IT,” Chapter 3 “Networking,” and Chapter 5 “Web” are (again) new. Chapter 4 “HTML” is redeveloped to teach HTML5 and CSS3. Chapter 2 “Human-Computer Interface” and Chapter 6 “Debugging” have been substantially revised.
•In Part 2, the “bits part” of Chapter 7 “Digital Information” has been redeveloped, Chapter 9 “Computer Organization” has been completely rewritten to be more intuitive, and Chapter 10 “Algorithms” is new and much simplified.
•In Part 3, Chapter 11 “Social Implications” is mostly new, and Chapter 12 “Privacy and Security” is completely revised to deal with recently revealed privacy threats (NSA) and ongoing security attacks. The “Spreadsheets” chapters (13 and 14) have been revised to increase compatibility with different implementations, including various Excel versions. Chapter 15 “Database Concepts” has a complete reformulation of the relational model. Chapter 16 the “iDiary Database” received a wholesale revision.
•In Part 4, the “JavaScript” chapters (17–21) have been redeveloped to use the Firefox Scratchpad sandbox for code development, a definite pedagogical advance. Chapter 22, the artificial intelligence chapter, has had its Watson discussion augmented by a new interview with David Ferrucci, the Watson project leader. |