Legal Implications of the Eurozone Crisis
� Debt Restructuring, Sovereign Default and Eurozone Exit
Författare:Petch Tolek
Titel:Legal Implications of the Eurozone Crisis � Debt Restructuring, Sovereign Default and Eurozone Exit
Omfång:456 sid.
Ämnesord:EU-rätt , Krediträtt , Ekonomi

Pris: 1305 SEK exkl. moms


In this urgently needed book, a member of the Eurozone and Sovereign Debt Working Group at Slaughter and May – perhaps the premier law firm involved in cases related to sovereign debt –focuses on the legal implications of default or exit by a euro zone state. Examining separately the consequences for private sector and official sector creditors, the author provides penetrating analysis and commentary on such elements of the crisis as the following:

-legal limitations on developing or expanding arrangements designed to avert sovereign default;
-compatibility with EU law of the outright monetary transactions (OMT) programme;
-implications for euro zone member states of decisions arising out of the 2001 Argentine default;
-legal implications of the redenomination of euro obligations into a new national currency;
-impact of capital and exchange controls including their compatibility with IMF, GATT,GATS, and EU law;
-potential for member state liability to bondholders under bilateral investment treaties;
-enforcement of judgments against a sovereign
-paths to euro zone exit;
-redenomination in the courts of other EU States;
-unlawful euro zone exit;
-expropriation; and
-enforcement of arbitral awards;

and much more.
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