The Professor Kurt Grönfors Memorial Lecture
� 10th of April 2014
Titel:The Professor Kurt Grönfors Memorial Lecture � 10th of April 2014
Omfång:153 sid.
Förlag:Svenska Sjörättsföreningen
Typ av verk:Samlingsverk
Serie:Svenska Sjörättsföreningen Skrifter nr. 83
Ämnesord:Sjö- och transporträtt , Sjöfart

Pris: 378 SEK exkl. moms



Lars-Göran Malmberg: The Professor Kurt Grönfors Memorial Lecture

Lars Gorton: Power of position and related types of authority (implied authority)

Claes Göran Alvstam: Global shifts in the geography of intercontinental seaborne transport – new challenges for multilateralism?

Hannu Honka: Combined Transport then – Multimodal Transport now

Svante O. Johansson: Session 1 – Concluding remarks

Jan Ramberg: Is transport law lagging behind in the development of modern international commercial law?

Rhidian Thomas: A critical analysis of the effectiveness of mandatory insurance provisions in international maritime conventions

Ellen Eftestøl-Wilhelmson: Session 2 – Concluding remarks

Jason Chuah: Chair’s Foreword to Session Three

Marc Huybrechts: Suing the Master of a Vessel “qualitate qua” in Continental Law and the "Action in Rem" of the Common Law: Two Remedies achieving the same Result?

This book is the collected presentations from the day that marked the inauguration of the “Professor Kurt Grönfors Memorial Lectures”. This event will be repeated annually and there are many good reasons to set a yearly lecture in the name of Professor Kurt Grönfors; the main reason is of course to commemorate his memory as a great researcher in the legal field and with a special focus on maritime law. Another good reason for instituting the lectures in his name is that the School of Business, Economics and Law is increasing its ambitions in developing maritime research. Over the last decade the establishment of Lighthouse at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg represented by the School of Business, Economics and Law has had an important role in creating an enhanced research environment both within law, logistics and economics.

In the seminar that took place on the 10th of April 2014 participated a number of speakers who were former doctorate supervisees of Professor Grönfors, namely, Professors Jan Ramberg, Lars Gorton and Lars-Göran Malmberg. Professor Grönfors was an inspiring supervisor, always full of ideas and comments on the ongoing work, and normally able to find a connection to a previous work carried out by him.

The seminar and the collected works presented here is a good illustration of the field of research carried out by professor Grönfors. The texts also show that in many of the different topics chosen by the speakers, the discussion on the matters more or less introduced by Professor Grönfors is still alive and vital, giving the seminar an obvious touch that his research is marked by far-reaching foresight. It was a pure pleasure to be the organizer of this conference to commemorate the memory of Professor Kurt Grönfors.
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