Pris: 1423 SEK exkl. moms  | Domian Names provides a legal primer for in-house counsel grappling with domain names and a reference for IP and IT solicitors seeking to gain a deeper understanding of this fast-moving topic .
-Covers the key differences and similarities between a trademark and a domain name, and other intersections between domain name law and IP law
-Sets out the online infrastructure in which domain names operate, including protocol, DNS, gTLDs and ccTLDs Details the international legal system of registry which governs domain names, including ICANN, DoC, and all the international registries which operate gTLDs and ccTLDs
-Analyses the legal definition of a domain name in the context of trademark law
-Advises on strategy regarding top level domain selection, SEO, which registrars to use, and how to negotiate with existing domain name holders
-Covers unregistered rights, infringement sanctions, termination, service marks and descriptive marks
-Covers commercial and legal arrangements consequent of domain names i.e. leasing, purchase contracts, auctions, migration, monitoring, and importantly how to respond to an infringement
-Examines the dispute resolution options available to aggrieved parties in domain name disputes in different countries including Australia, France, Germany, Norway, Denmark, the UK and Ireland
-Explains dispute routes including the legal rights objection, trademark clearinghouse, uniform rapid suspension system, post-delegation disputes, trademark post-delegation disputes, registration restriction disputes and public interest commitments disputes
-Details the tax apparatus surrounding domain names Includes and refers to key case law across multiple jurisdictions including the EU and US | |