Hepple and Matthews Tort Law
� Cases and Materials
Författare:Hepple Bob , Matthews Martin
Titel:Hepple and Matthews Tort Law � Cases and Materials
Upplaga:7 uppl.
Omfång:1248 sid.
Typ av verk:Samlingsverk
Ämnesord:Skadeståndsrätt , Utländsk rätt

Pris: 551 SEK exkl. moms


New to Hart Publishing, this is the seventh edition of the classic casebook on tort, the first of its kind in the UK, and for many years now a bestselling and very popular text for students. This new edition retains all the features that have made it such a popular and respected text, with extensive commentary, questions and notes supplementing the selection of cases and statutes which form the core of the book. Taking a broadly contextual approach the book addresses all the main topics in tort law, is up-to-date, doctrinally sound, stimulating and highly readable.
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