Economic Sanctions in EU Private International Law
Författare:Szabados Tamás
Titel:Economic Sanctions in EU Private International Law
Omfång:280 sid.
Förlag:Bloomsbury Publishing
Serie:Studies in Private International Law
Ämnesord:Internationell privat- och processrätt , EU-rätt

Pris: 567 SEK exkl. moms


Economic sanctions are instruments of foreign policy. However, they can also affect legal relations between private parties – principally in contract. In such cases, the court or arbitration tribunal seized must decide whether to give effect to the economic sanction in question.

Private international law functions as a 'filter', transmitting economic sanctions that originate in public law to the realm of private law. The aim of this book is to examine how private international law rules can influence the enforcement of economic sanctions and their related foreign policy objectives.

A coherent EU foreign policy position – in addition to promoting legal certainty and predictability – would presuppose a uniform approach not only concerning the economic sanctions of the EU, but also with regard to the restrictive measures imposed by third countries. However, if we examine in detail the application of economic sanctions by Member States' courts and arbitral tribunals, we find a somewhat different picture. This book argues that this can be explained in part by the divergence of private international law approaches in the Member States.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

I. Economic Sanctions in Private International Law
II. The Aim of this Book
III. Methodology and the Scope of the Work
IV. The Object of the Analysis: Economic Sanctions
V. Foreign Policy and Private International Law
VI. Adjudicative Rhetoric and Foreign Policy Considerations

2. The Legal Framework for Imposing Economic Sanctions

I. The UN Sanctions Regime
II. Economic Sanctions in Bilateral and Multilateral Treaties
III. Economic Sanctions in EU Law

3. Coherence and Legal Certainty in EU Law

I. Coherence in the External Relations Law of the EU
II. Legal Certainty and EU Law

4. Economic Sanctions in Private International Law

I. Economic Sanctions: State Intervention in Private Law Relationships
II. Economic Sanctions as Overriding Mandatory Provisions
III. The Treatment of Foreign Public Law in Private Law Litigation
IV. Conclusion

5. Economic Sanctions as Overriding Mandatory Provisions in EU Private International Law

I. Economic Sanctions Imposed by the Law of the Forum State
II. Economic Sanctions of the Lex Causae
III. Economic Sanctions in the Law of a Third State Other than the Lex Causae
IV. Conclusion

6. The Judicial Practice of the Member States

I. France
II. Germany
III. England and Wales
IV. Assessment of the Judicial Practice of the Member States
V. The Outcome: A Changeable European Judicial Foreign Policy

7. Blocking Statutes

I. Blocking Statutes and Private International Law
II. A Conflict of Overriding Mandatory Provisions

8. 'Deactivation' of Economic Sanctions?

I. EU Economic Sanctions and Choice-of-Court Agreements
II. EU Economic Sanctions and Arbitration Agreements

9. Possible Solutions and Conclusions

I. Public Ordering of Contractual Relations Affected by Economic Sanctions
II. Private Ordering of Contractual Relations Affected by Economic Sanctions
III. The Role of Private International Law
IV. Conclusions
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