Shackleton on The Law and Practice of Meetings
Författare:Cordes Madeleine , Pugh-Smith John , Tabori Tom , red.
Titel:Shackleton on The Law and Practice of Meetings
Upplaga:16 uppl.
Omfång:544 sid.
Förlag:Sweet & Maxwell
Typ av verk:Monografi
Ämnesord:Associationsrätt och värdepappersrätt , Utländsk rätt

Pris: 4098 SEK exkl. moms


Shackleton on the Law and Practice of Meetings is a leading resource on the law and practice of company, charity and public sector meetings, providing a complete statement of the law with detailed practical guidance.

This new edition takes account of new cases and legislation, the impact of Covid-19 on both company and local authority meetings and includes an enhanced chapter on virtual meetings.


Discusses the legal implications of public and private meetings
Addresses the practical issues to be aware of when organising and managing meetings
Deals with specific forms of meeting such as board, committee, shareholder and public sector meetings
Explains different types of resolution and how these are passed in the context of meetings
Provides a guide as how to maintain good order and ensure fairness at meetings
Directs the reader to the appropriate statutory requirements under the Companies Act 2006 and other relevant legislation
Covers meetings of the various forms of charitable organisations
Considers the principles of natural justice and public sector equality duty and their outworkings in the context of information access and attendance at real and on-line meetings accessible by the general public
Provides ‘worked’ practice examples and checklists for company meetings
Looks at the powers, duties and roles of directors in the context of meetings
Provides guidance on the conduct of all tiers of local government meetings
Explains how to access information

What’s New:

- Accessibility requirements to meetings of public sector bodies including the application of The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 and the draft Local Government and Elections (Wales) Bill 2020

- Takes account of changes introduced by the Charities Act 2022


The Legal Right

Breach of the Peace and Other Aspects of the Criminal Law

The Maintenance of Order

A Public Meeting

Convening the Meeting

Constitution and Adjournment of the Meeting

The Conduct of the Meeting


The Committee System

The Principles of Natural Justice

Applicable Law and Other Matters

Members’ Meetings: Status Convention and Minutes

Constituting a Members’ Meeting

Member’s Meetings: Attendance and Voting

Members’ Meetings: Resolutions

Class Meetings

Members: Electronic Communications and Technology in the Conduct of Meetings

Meetings Under s.899 of Companies Act 2006 (Compromises and Arrangements)

Meetings of Members of Companies: Examples in practice

Powers and Duties of Directors

Appointment to and Departure from Office

Constitution and Conduct of Directors’ Meetings

Board Meetings: Examples in Practice

Decisions Procedures and Meetings in Insolvency Situations, and Arrangements Short of Winding-up

Decisions and Meetings in Insolvency Situations—Winding-up

Proxies and Company Representation in Insolvency Proceedings

Members’ Voluntary Winding-up

Meetings of Local Authorities

Local Authorities and Other Bodies—Access to Meetings and Information

Defamatory Statements

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