The Principles and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration
Författare:Moses Margaret L.
Titel:The Principles and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration
Upplaga:4 uppl.
Omfång:434 sid.
Förlag:Cambridge University Press
Typ av verk:Monografi
Ämnesord:Processrätt , Internationell rätt

Pris: 1652 SEK exkl. moms


This book not only deals with the broad application of international treaties, guidelines, laws and rules affecting international commercial arbitration, but also includes information about the most recent developments in the field. Readers learn how arbitration works, from the request to arbitrate, the selection of arbitrators, the procedures leading up to the hearing, the witnesses and evidence at the hearing, to the granting of the final award. Along the way, many strategies and tactics come into play, as an arbitration moves toward the goal of resolving the dispute. The reader learns to appreciate the application of different laws and ethical concepts that may vary by jurisdiction, including the ethical obligations of arbitrators and of counsel. Throughout, the principles of international arbitration are supported by the practice, providing a very concrete approach to the resolution of international disputes by arbitration.

Key features:

- This revised edition deals with the most recent major developments in international commercial arbitration

- A short, clear and concrete approach that includes specific examples to help students easily understand the subject

+- Provides a comprehensive overview on how arbitration works that both students and practitioners will find useful
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