Act on Copyright Content Sharing Service Providers
� Urheberrechts-Diensteanbieter-Gesetz (UrhDaG)
Författare:Raue Benjamin , Specht-Riemenschneider Louisa
Titel:Act on Copyright Content Sharing Service Providers � Urheberrechts-Diensteanbieter-Gesetz (UrhDaG)
Anmärkning:Article-by-Article Commentary
Omfång:170 sid.
Typ av verk:Kommentar
Ämnesord:Immaterialrätt , EU-rätt , Utländsk rätt

Pris: 1160 SEK exkl. moms


The Act on Copyright Content Sharing Service Providers (UrhDaG) is the German implementation of the controversial Art. 17 Directive 2019/790 (DSMD). Instead of a minimum effort copy-paste implementation into the German Copyright Act (UrhG), the German legislator opted for a comprehensive implementation in a stand-alone act with extensive provisions on, e.g. including:

- an OCSSP with a safe-harbour clause for excluded service providers;

- the obligation to acquire contractual rights of use;

- direct remuneration for authors, performers and photographers;

- a redress system consisting of complaints procedures and an alternative dispute resolution mechanism.

The commentary of each article is headed by the current version of the article both in the German original and an English translation followed by a clearly and uniformly structured analysis of the provision including the extensive (academic) discussion that accompanied the implementation procedure. The interplay of the legislation with the German Copyright Act is addressed as well as the respective requirements of the DSMD.

The Advantages at a Glance:

- Article-by-Article Commentary;

- in English language;

- clear and uniformly structured analysis of each provision.

The Target Group
For German and foreign Copyright lawyers.
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