A Word from AIJA's President.
List of Contributors.
Part One:
A View from the Industry: The perspective of the contractors; P. Flores.
The perspective of the sub-contractors; M. Paton.
An introduction to the legal issues; R. Pardolesi, M. Granieri.
Competition law aspects; A. Frignani.
Quality control and product liability; J. Davey.
Price, payment, guarantees of payment and price revision; P. Ramquet.
Industrial and intellectual property law aspects; G. de Ulloa y Suelves.
Labour law aspects; M.-D. Fishelson.
Insolvency law aspects - A French perspective; H. Chemouli.
Insolvency law aspects - A Nordic perspective; P. Jaatinen, P. Salovaara.
Customs law aspects - A European and international perspective; R.M. MacLean, S. Davis.
International tax law aspects; C. Duro.
Mediation in cross-border sub-contracting agreements; T. Garby.
Part Two:
General Report; C.H. Mastellone.
National Reports:
Belgium; H. Reghif.
China (Peoples' Republic); Y. Re.
Czech Republic; R. Pelikánova.
England; E. Gummers, et al.
European Union - Rules Of Origin - A Definition under EU Law; R.M. MacLean, S. Davis.
Finland; P. Jaatinen, P. Salovaara.
France; O. Personnaz.
Germany; D. Hass.
Hong Kong; C. Lambert.
Hungary; T. Balázs.
India; A. Hirani.
Italy; M. Granieri, C.H. Mastellone.
Japan; M. Shimada.
Poland; T. Komosa.
Russia; V. Avdyunin.
Singapore; K. Koh.
Slovenia; N. Pipan.
Spain; S. Cortés, R. Marquilles.
Taiwan; L. Chu.
Thailand; Johnston Stokes & Master.
United States of America; C. Habermehl.
Appendices: Law No. 192 of 18 June 1998 (Italy). Act No. 120 of 1 June 1956 (as amended) (Japan).
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