The Legal Protection of Databases
Författare:Davis Mark
Titel:The Legal Protection of Databases
Omfång:316 sid.
Förlag:Cambridge University Press
Serie:Cambridge Studies in Intellectual Property Rights
Ämnesord:Immaterialrätt , EU-rätt

Pris: 909 SEK exkl. moms


1. Introduction: why databases have become an important issue; The structure of the book;
2. Some basic principles; Basic copyright principles concerning databases; Principles of unfair competition; Contract law and databases; Competition law;
3. Protection of databases in the EU; The history of the directive;
4. Transposition of the directive; Belgium; France; Germany; Italy; Ireland; Netherlands; Spain; Sweden; United Kingdom; Transposition of directive 96/9/EC in member states of the EU;
5. Protection of databases in the United States of America; The nature and history of the American tort of misappropriation; The legislative proposals for sui generis protection; The summary of the American position;
6. International aspects of protection of databases; International agreements concerning copyright protection of databases;
7. The appropriate model for the legal protection of databases; The argument in favour of sui generis protection; The non-economic roles of information; Some suggestions for protection of databases.
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