International Human Rights and Islamic Law
Författare:Baderin Mashood A.
Titel:International Human Rights and Islamic Law
Omfång:279 sid.
Förlag:Oxford University Press
Ämnesord:Internationell rätt

Pris: 810 SEK exkl. moms



Table of Cases
Table of Treaties and Declarations

1 Introduction

2 Human Rights and Islamic Law
2.1 Breaking traditional barriers
2.2 Islamic responses in international human rights discourse
2.3 What are human rights?
2.4 What is Islamic law?
2.5 The justificatory principle

3 The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in the Light of Islamic Law
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The rights guaranteed under the ICCPR
3.3 Obligations of State Parties under theICCPR- Article 2
3.4 The right of self-determination-Article 1
3.5 equality of rights between men and women-Article 3
3.6 The right to life-Article 6
3.7 Prohibition of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of punishment-Article 7
3.8 Freedom from slavery, servitude and forced labour-Article 8
3.9 The right to liberty and security of person-Article 9
3.10 The right to a humane incarceration system-Article 10
3.11 Freedom from imprisonment for contractual obligation-Article 11
3.12 The right to freedom of movement and choice of residence-Article 12
3.13 Freedom of aliens from arbitrary expulsion-Article 13
3.14 The right to fair hearing and due process of law-Article 14
3.15 Freedom from retroactive criminal law-Article 15
3.16 The right to recognition as a person before the law-Article 16
3.17 The right to privacy-Article 17
3.18 The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion-Article 18
3.19 The right to freedom of opinion and expression-Article 19
3.21 The right of peacefull assembly-Article 21
3.22 The right to freedom of association-Article 22
3.23 The right to marry and found a family-Article 23
3.24 The rights of the child-Article 24
3.25 Political rights-Article 25
3.26 The right to equality before the law-Article 26
3.27 The rights of ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities-Article 27
3.28 Concluding remarks

4 The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) in the Light of Islamic Law
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Importance of economic, social, and cultural rights
4.3 The rights 'recognized' under the ICESCR
4.4 The object and purpose of the ICESCR
4.5 Obligations of State Parties under the ICESCR-Article 2
4.6 The right to work-Article 6
4.7 The right to just and favourable conditions at work-Article 7
4.8 Trade union rights-Article 8
4.9 The right to social security and social insurance-Article 9
4.10 Family rights Article 10
4.11 The right to an adequate standard of living-Article 11
4.12 The right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health-Article 12
4.13 The right to education-Article 05 13 and 14
4 14 The right to cultural life and benefits of scientific progress-Article 15
4.15 concluding remarks

5 Conclusion
5.1 A complimentary approach
5.2 Domestic means of enhancing human rights
5.3 Regional means of enhancing human rights
5.4 The 'margin of appreciation'doctrine as a universal means of enhancing human rights

Annex: The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam
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