Pris: 312 SEK exkl. moms  | Indhold:
- Megatrends in Electronic Commerce Law, Professor, dr.jur. Ruth Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School
E-commerce on New Media - an overview of the EU regulatory regime, Søren Sandfeld Jakobsen, Copenhagen Business School
- Will the Internet Turn into a Digital McWorld, Robin Elizabeth Herr, Copenhagen Business School
Information Obligations in EC E-commerce Law, Professor Geraint Howells and Annette Nordhausen, University of Sheffield
- The European Regulatory Framework for Electronic Signatures, Professor Jos Dumotier, Leuven University
- Managing Electronic Signatures, Professor Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg, Stockholm University
- Principles of European Contract Law and the Formation of Contracts in the Information Society, Katarina Kryczka, Utrecht University
- Jurisdiction and Enforcement in the Information Society, Professor, Dr. Peter Mankowski, Hamburg University
- Legal Risk Management in Cross-Border E-commerce, Jan Trzaskowski, Copenhagen Business School
- Online Alternative Dispute Resolution, Sylvia Kierkegaard, Århus Business School
- Electronic Agents: Spies, lies and villains in the online world?, Dr. Emily M. Weitzenböck, University of Oslo
- Competition Law Issues, Professor, dr.jur. Jens Fejø, Copenhagen Business School | |