EC Merger Control
� A Major Reform in Progress
Författare:Drauz Götz , Reynolds Michael
Titel:EC Merger Control � A Major Reform in Progress
Omfång:369 sid.
Typ av verk:Samlingsverk
Ämnesord:Marknadsrätt , EU-rätt

Pris: 1588 SEK exkl. moms


Foreword, Mario Monti, Commissioner for Competition, European Commission, Brussels
Introduction: Commissioner Monti - Architect of Reform, Michael Reynolds, Allen & Overy, Brussels
Keynote Address: Merger Control in the European Union - a Radical Reform, Mario Monti, Commissioner for Competition, European Commission, Brussels
1. Optimising Case Allocation in the European Union and Dealing with Multijurisdictional Filings
2. Due Process and Judicial Review - Contrasting Merger Control Systems
3. Substantive Tests - Are the Differences between the Dominance and SLC Tests Real or Semantic?
4. Efficiency Considerations - What is Their Proper Role in Merger Control?
5. Assessment of Dominance: Unilateral and Coordinated Effects - Draft Commission Notice

Contributors: Jochen B Burrichter, Nadia Calviño, Sarah Cardell, Götz Drauz, Serge Durande, John Fingleton, Hans Peter Frick, Paul Glazener, Francisco Enrique González Díaz, Alberto Heimler, Michael L Katz, John Kay, R Shyam Khemani, Felix Kühlmann, Nicholas Levy, Philip Lowe, Lynda Martin Alegi, Janet L McDavid, Brian R Meiners, Frank Montag, Caroline Montalcino, Mario Monti, Malcolm Nicholson, Claude Rakovsky, Christa Randzio-Plath, Michael Reynolds, Kurt Stockmann, Kevin R Sullivan, Gerwin Van Gerven, James S Venit, Vincent Verouden, Bo Vesterdorf, John Vickers, Andreas Von Bonin, Richard Wainwright, Karen Williams, Markus M Wirtz
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