Continuity and Contract
� Historical Perspectives on the Employees Duty of Obedience in Swedish Labour Law
Författare:Kumlien Mats
Titel:Continuity and Contract � Historical Perspectives on the Employees Duty of Obedience in Swedish Labour Law
Omfång:394 sid.
Förlag:Institutet för rättshistorisk forskning
Serie:Rättshistoriskt bibliotek nr. 64
Ämnesord:Rättshistoria , Arbetsrätt

Pris: 280 SEK exkl. moms


Mats Kumlien, LL.D. and associate professor of legal history at Uppsala University has focused his research on the Swedish model of a welfare state and its points of contact with previous legal thinking. From an historical and comparative perspective he has analysed the responses to juvenile delinquency, including the crucial dualism between care and punishment. Another branch of his research cocerns access to modern media and the conflict between freedom of information and social protection.

This book, Continuity and Contract, Historical Perspectives on the Employee’s Duty of Obedience in Swedish Labour Law, treats the emergence of a new legal discipline in Sweden: labour law. It examines the legal historical background of the employee’s duty of subordination to the employer and its connection to the Swedish collectivist system that developed during the first three decades of the 20th century. It also gives a brief comparative approach to the subject, referring to French, German and Common law.
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