Swedish Studies in European Law - Volume 1
Författare:Wahl Nils , Cramér Per
Titel:Swedish Studies in European Law - Volume 1
Omfång:309 sid.
Typ av verk:Samlingsverk

Pris: 442 SEK exkl. moms


The Swedish Network for European Legal Studies is happy to announce the launch of a new annual publication which will act as a forum for the publication of studies on European law by Swedish scholars, entitled Swedish Studies in European Law. This will be a hardback of about 300 pages annually, containing peer-reviewed articles aimed at spreading Swedish legal research on European law to a wide international audience. The editors of the yearbook are Professor Nils Wahl, chairman of the board of the Swedish Network, and Professor Per Cramér. The articles in the volume are concerned with European law, its development, impact and reform; furthermore they are original, analytical contributions to doctrinal debates and questions, by legal researchers mainly, but not exclusively, connected with the Swedish universities.
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