Författare: | Grundmann Stefan
, Schauer Martin
| Titel: | The Architecture of European Codes and Contract Law | Utgivningsår: | 2006 | Omfång: | 374 sid. | Förlag: | Kluwer | ISBN: | 9041125302 | Produkttyp: | Inbunden | Typ av verk: | Samlingsverk | Ämnesord: | Förmögenhetsrätt
Pris: 1745 SEK exkl. moms  | Table of Contents: Introduction and Overview. 1. The Architecture of European Codes and Contract Law Structures and Contents; S. Grundmann, M. Schauer. Part I: The Level of Abstraction: Starting from Contract, Obligation and Juristic Act? 2. Structural Elements of the French Civil Code; P. R my-Corlay. 3. Structural Elements in the Contract Law Parts of the German Civil Code; S. Grundmann. 4. Structural Elements of the Austrian Civil Code; M. Schauer. 5. The Dutch Code and its Precedents (1990-1992); B. Verschraegen. 6. Models in Central-Eastern European Codes; L. V k s. 7. Das Konsumentenschutzgesetz Beginn der Europ isierung des Kroatischen Vertragsrechts; T. Josipovi . 8. Discussion and Panel Discussion: Lessons for an Optional European Codex? M. Hoffmann. Part II: Consumer Law Forerunner for or Part of a European Contract Law Code? 9. Civil Contract Law and Economic Reasoning An Unlikely Pair? A. N. Hatzis. 10. La place du Code de la consommation en droit contractuel fran ais; J. Rochfeld. 11. Consumer Law Forerunner for or Part of a European Contract Law Code? The Case of Austrian Consumer Law; B. Lurger. 12. The Greek Consumer Law; E. Alexandridou. 13. Verbrauchervertragsrecht im tschechischen Recht; L. Tichy. 14. The Instrumentalist Conception of the Acquis Communautaire in Consumer Law and its Implications on a European Contract Law Code; C. U. Schmid. 15. The Role of the Acquis Communautaire in Consumer Law for a European Contract Law Code A Comment; G. Howells. Part III: Formation of Contract and Pre-contractual Information. 16. Formation of Contract and Pre-contractual Information from an Italian Perspective (Final Remarks from the Perspective of European Contract Law); V. Roppo. 17. Formation of Contract and Pre-contractual Information from an English Perspective; P. Giliker. 18. Formation of Contract and Pre-Contractual Duties to Inform in a Comparative Perspective; P. Mankowski. 19. Pre-contractual Duties to Provide Information and Their Violation from the Perspective of Polish Private Law Selected Issues; F. Zoll. 20. Option and Pre-Contract; A. Gim nez Costa, E. Bosch Capdevila. 21. Discussion Report: Formation of Contract and Pre-contractual information | |